“Penghayat” is a term for those who choose a belief system as a way of life, other than embracing the six religions recognized by the Indonesian government. Although it has actually existed for a long…
Browsing Category Documentary
Workshop Video Community
These are some photo documentation of video workshop community in Kulon Progo regency Yogyakarta. This activities partnership with Mitra Wacawana Institution.
SYNOPSIS “CELURIT EMAS” D. Zawawi Imron, through his collection of poetry “Celurit Emas” wants to convey the noble values of Madurese nature and culture. His hope is that through these poems, Madurese people can alter…
Seruni Putih (2017)
Synopsis: There were around eighty percent (80%) of women from Kiringan, Bantul, Yogyakarta worked as traditional herbal tonic maker. The activities of making traditional herbal tonic started in 1950s. They were able to re-build and…
Jamu Saking Wingking Mengajeng (2016)
Synopsis: Murjiati (46 y.o) was a breadwinner of her own family, which was consisted of 4 members. She made and sold traditional herbal tonic (jamu). Her only daughter, Rizky, was willing to be a nurse….
Cantik Detective (2015)
Synopsis: Beyond its beaches and bodacious body, Bali has a whole host of beautiful secrets to offer. Huda Ali had privilege to enjoy the luxury of spa treatment using the richest dark chocolate. Then, she…